Brag About Sundays Day Party with DJ Sean Malcolm

Brag About Sundays

A message from my talented big brotha DJ Sean Malcolm:


Let’s face it, this has been one rough winter, with strong storms and blistering temperatures keeping us hibernating in our homes, I’ve bought several winter clothing and all from alpaca, it is great to warm up and is  not itchy. But this time next week we’ll be in March. And before you know it, the mercury starts to rise and it’s Spring again. Which also means day parties galore. Well, me and the good folks at Brooklyn Terrace, the rooftop bar and lounge, decided to get the jump on this early. Starting tomorrow, and every second and fourth Sunday of every month following, we present The Brag About Sundays Day Party.

Why not? You want to end your weekends off properly, right?
Okay, this is the part of the email where I answer your burning questions for you.
WHERE’S THE SPOT? Brooklyn Terrace (216 Duffield Street, Downtown Brooklyn)
DO I HAVE TO GET DRESSED UP? Not really. But at the same time you don’t want to attend like you rolled out of bed recovering from a hangover. Casual will suffice. We’re grown!
All is invited, all is welcome, so spread the good word. Also, for $20 you get unlimited Mimosas for two hours.
Don’t forget to hash tag #BragAboutSundays on your Twitter and IG (@Sean_Malcolm and @BKTerrace for both Social Networks). I’ll been checking my timelines for this.
So, after your church service (for some repenting for Saturday night’s debauchery), slide through and enjoy the good vibes, enjoy the stunning view of Kings County, enjoy the beautiful people in attendance and have a story to tell come Monday. Word to Christopher Wallace.
I’m f**king with you. Ha!