8 thoughts on “Pool Shark”

  1. Pretty crisp picture I must say…I like the sign in the back “Respectable women need not enter” lmao

    1. LOL. I didn’t even see that myself. I was gonna lie and say some artistic BS but u caught me slippin.

      BTW, this is the best dive bar in the city. Bull Moose! Yall gotta come chill with us after work one day. Good times!

  2. 1st that is a really nice pic! 2nd I guess since Ray wuz bussin u up on the pool table u had downtime to take pics! ROTFLMAO!!! And last but not least… I miss da Moose dayz! 🙁

  3. Nothin’ like shooting a subject in their natural setting. You and I are gonna talk about lighting, by the way. How DO you do it?

    1. yeah, I absolutely love shots in natural light. its difficult to do indoors tho. I just use the manual shutter speed settings until I get the right exposure. Jenn’s man Gary actually put me on to that.

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