Big Boi
Sir Lucious Left Foot
Big Boi’s Myspace page
Big Boi
Sir Lucious Left Foot
Big Boi’s Myspace page
The Roots
How I Got Over
This is actually one of the first images I took with my camera. I walked into Central Park and saw this violinist about to give a kid a lesson so I figured I’d take a few flicks to get myself going. I was hesitant at first because I didn’t (and still don’t know) the proper etiquette for taking pictures of people you don’t know – especially kids. But I think everyone there recognized that this was a special moment so his parents didn’t seem to object. Next time, I’m going to have some business cards handy to distribute before/after taking pictures of people. I think that should ease the tension.
First off, let me say this. I like Kid Cudi. The moment that I stopped trying to pigeon-hole him as some kind of a pseudo-rapper and just appreciated his music for what it was, I instantly got into his vibe. As for the way he dresses, definitely not a fan of “mandex” jeans and all that. But his music is pretty good…good enough to be covered. My boy Bryan put me on to this cover of his song Pursuit of Happiness by an artist named Lissie. Had never heard of her before seeing this clip but I’ll be gott damned if she didn’t pour her heart into this. The video is shot extremely well too which only drives home the performance that much more. Given where I’m at in my life right now I really felt this one. Hope yall do too..
Airtight’s Revenge *Not on album
Iron Solomon
Spring Fever [single]
Ok, so if you all haven’t noticed I have the OD creative crush on Ms. Janelle Monae. First and foremost, if you haven’t checked out her album yet, you’re playin’ yaself. Its colorful, funky, fresh … basically everything the rest of the game isn’t. Now I knew she could sang but had NO idea she could boogie like this. She’s officially my new prototype!