Airtight’s Revenge
Official Site
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m a Bilal stan. His new album, Airtight’s Revenge, dropped a few weeks ago and after giving it more than a few spins I wasn’t quite as blown away as I’d hoped to be. But something about this record spoke to me. As I drove up the Canyon the hook just kept resonating through my mind…
“You ain’t even gotta try…all you gotta do is realize.”
I think we all have momentary battles with self-doubt from time to time. Its easy to get caught up in the things you feel you can’t do with the obstacles that we face in life. But with all of the recent trials in my life I’ve slowly been learning to let go and just be. Some folks call on the Lord to find that inner peace. But for me, all it takes is the right tune to remind me to look to the moon and reach for it. #inspired
Bonus Video – Is This Love (Bob Marley Cover)
Directed by Greg Ponstingl
Those spastic, junkie-like movements…yeah, that’s classic Bilal. It’s what makes his live shows so great – that unbridled passion and freedom to just be. Kudos to the director for capturing that vibe to accentuate the music…Enjoy!